Boring of open the same programs every morning or every time that you change projects

Well i was in the same place that you so i did a little research and check what other team member where using to start the day faster
Ismael Garcia
Boring of open the same programs every morning or every time that you change projects
Well i was in the same place that you so i did a little research and check what other team member where using to start the day faster My start of the day is kind of repetitive or let say is almost the same when i start the working day.

My start of the day is kind of repetitive or let say is almost the same when i start the working day.

  • Open the chat application that i user to communicate with my team
  • Open my time tracker application - so i can have a clear view of where my time is going every day.
  • Open firefox with a couple tabs that a need for the day
    • Check emails
    • Check the ticket system
    • Check my calendar for the day
    • See the latest changes that the repo have

The solution for me was the fallowing


tmux session manager


pip install --user tmuxp

Create and yml file in the ~/.config/tmuxp/{filename}.yaml

Here is mine :

session_name: Start
start_directory: ~/ # load session relative to config location (project root).
before_script: echo "Starting of the day"
# shell_command_before:
# - '[ -f .venv/bin/activate ] && source .venv/bin/activate && reset'
- window_name: Start the day
focus: true
layout: tiled
main-pane-height: 35
- shell_command:
- firefox # add the link to the tab that firefox sould open
- shell_command:
- code # Open vscode
- bpytop # # and alternative to htop
- shell_command:
- superproductivity & bg # Time tricker
- element-desktop & bg

How to use

Start the day by open the terminal and run the fallowing command

tmuxp load start #Remember the filename is start for my side so for you it would depend in the filename


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